Communication of Inter-LGBT
Discrimination (on the carpet), both in sport and in our lives!
Saturday June 30, 2018, walking the Paris Pride scroll behind the slogan "! Discrimination on the mat, in sport and in our lives"
We mobilize against the discrimination and violence of LGBTQI + people, both in sport and in the rest of their lives, because sport is an indication of the state of mind of our society. If some sporting events, such as the Gay Games held in Paris from 4 to 12 August, want to promote diversity and inclusion, it is clear that many other people have no respect for rights starting with the World Cup in Russia this year and then in Qatar in 2022.
Buried and aggravated discrimination in sport ...
Since sport is part of the cult of performance, omnipotence and virility from the very beginning, with access restricted to men, a restrictive standard has been set, with the exception of those which do not match these selection criteria. It causes discrimination in the areas of sexual orientation, gender identity, presumed or actual ethnic origin, age, obesity, various disabilities and so many other "parameters".
Sport is indeed the privileged terrain of stigma, sometimes cumbersome, often condemned on a large scale, leading to too many people to leave any sport at school, at the expense of their health and well-being and of their social integration. These discriminations are reinforced by the world of professional sports where organizations, supporters and the media have a tendency to maintain all these prejudices.
The involved Inter-LGBT who are racist, sexist and LGBTphobes are almost never punished, and that the global large-scale events - World Cup, Olympic Games - are held in openly repressive countries towards LGBTQI people such as + Russia and Qatar.
However, sport can be an excellent means of absorbing and valuing diversity if it is accompanied by good practices. France organizes the Gay Games in August, an event that promotes respectful and accessible sport for everyone. Do not forget the sports federations LGBTQI + that act against discrimination every day and for the integration of minorities their approach is unfortunately overshadowed by more media clubs that are only interested in performance. The success of these budding associations is not due communalism but because they allow all people, LGBTQI + or not to exercise a sport in a caring environment without fear of being judged and regardless of his level. All these actions from opening to the others let the mentality evolve far beyond the sport!
... who have a strong bond with our lives!
Just like the sport context, the Inter-LGBT makes the observation of a society that is still excluded in other spheres of society (work, education, administration ...). It stigmatizes and rejects part of its population, leads it or keeps it in uncertainty.
The inter-LGBT is very concerned about the orientations which have been taken in particular by the reforms of justice and health care and by the law on asylum and immigration. Their impact will be terrible for LGBTQI + people and beyond, for all the most vulnerable people. The inter-LGBT revolts through the expulsion of HIV-positive people to countries where no treatment is available, and LGB people to countries that continue to criminalize homosexual relationships.
In addition, after months of bioethical discussion that raised hatred raised against our families and our children, the Inter-LGBT is still waiting for a law pavement of the least developed countries for all couples and single women with reimbursement. This expectation also extends to the reforms that are necessary for descent.
With this slogan, the Inter-LGBT denounces the discriminations that are too often handed down in the sports world, in the image of our society, in a context characterized by social decline.
This year the Inter-LGBT invites you to walk, so that the social dimension of sport ultimately takes over the values of performance and success. We will walk together for the inclusion of everyone in sport, but also in our society, regardless of gender, sexuality, identity, ethnic background, family situation, appearance, state of health, social situation or its financial means.
To show all discrimination.
(Orginal version in French language)
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