Savage Leather
Reisingerstraße 5
80337 München

: Monday-Saturday:11AM -7PM
Wednesday :closed
Dressciode apply Bar
: Monday-Saturday:11AM -7PM
Wednesday :closed
Dressciode apply Bar
Munich is the city of the Oktoberfest, the home of the soccer club FC Bayern Munich, and of the automobile company BMW as well. But Munich has his CSD Pride particularly for gays and lesbians.
The Oktoberfest is not only the annual highlight for the city of Munich, but certainly also for the gays . The country of beer and sausages.
For years the CSD Munich makes the diversity of our scene. The CSD Pride on Saterday July 19th in Munich.
Saturday at 12.00, the mayor Christian Ude of Munich opened the excited 178ste October Beer Festival
what is the Bavarian capital's largest folk festival of the world .