Antwerp Pride 2015 has started
Antwerp Pride 2015 has started today. A festival full of events for aims of equality and diveriteit. This was initiated under the bridges on the Draakplaats over the pink house with the Midsummer Party Antwerppride and so with the 20th anniversary of The Pink House Antwerp.
Parade: The main big event is the parade in the city. This year the parade will begin with 'Gay Classic Cars ", a line up of 40 old-timers. This is followed by 15 trucks and dozens numerous groups.
Queer Arts Festival: The main culture event will be "Queer Arts Festival" for all forms of diversity in terms of gender identity. In this second and larger edition of the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival it puts the spotlight on China. With art, debate, documentaries and movies they zoom in on queer life in the land of smiles.
It's Okay To Be ...: With art the calls for tolerance. Artist Hannes d'Haese has made great pictures of cats made in polyester with the message "It's Okay To Be Gay" and also with messages as being " okay to be black or white, Muslim or Catholic ". One cat is sent by parcel post to Vladimir Putin: a protest against the discrimination and violence against gay people in Russia. It is a pink cat of 34 centimeters in height, with the clear message "It's Okay To Be Gay".
Parties: Of course there are parties. This starts with "Daddi" Bear Party in RedandBlue on Friday and Saturday are still the "Wave" afternoon party at the Steen city castle, followed by evening parties: "Extravaganda" Café D'Anvers, "A Hard Night" at Club Petrol and "Rapido" in RedandBlue.
Sunday, the closing events: On the big market before the city hall ,will be Sunday performances with: Zsa Zsa Lamore, The Coming Out Band, Dimi And Cabinets, Slongs Dievanongs, Nathalia and Alexander Rybak, and Conchita Wurst .
Why is there a still need of a Gay Pride? Because there is so much homophobia. Not in the government, not in the law, but in the minds of some people. They think it is still a crime.
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