Antwerp Queer Arts Festival 6th edition
AQAF is an international arts festival, questioning gender and sexual diversity, that takes place each year at the beginning of August.
Entering its sixth edition, each year we have programmed both local performers and international talent within a variety of art forms: music, literature, film, dance, theatre, exposition, performance…
AQAF is more than an arts festival. Collaborating with academia and activists, we create a space and a platform for people to express themselves and to meet others. AQAF is a grassroots initiative by the Antwerp Pink House, the local LGBT+ umbrella organisation.
It relies on community support to create the spaces and representation that we need. Your ticket purchase directly supports queer performers.
For the Antwerp Queer Arts Festival 6th edition, Antwerp creative headquarter De Studio will be the place to be. From August 7th until August 11th you can dive into an abundance of performances, films, music, slam poetry, lectures, installations, shorts….
For Antwerp LGBTQ umbrella organization the Pink House, the Antwerp Queer Arts festival is one of it’s yearly biggest and well received events.
Marking the 50th anniversary of Stonewall riots, the festival’s creative team went on a hunt for all contributions defined by or thematizing resistance, protest, grass roots action, nonconformity, marginalized identities and power. Highlights
JULIANA HUXTABLE - A Split During Laughter at the Rally
Juliana Huxtable is an American artist, writer, performer, DJ, and co-founder of the New York-based nightlife project Shock Value. Huxtable's multidisciplinary art practice explores a number of projects, such as the internet, the body, history, and text, often through a process she calls “conditioning." Huxtable is a published author of two books and a member of the New York City-based collective House of Ladosha. She currently lives and works in New York City.
Tapping into the delirium of online conspiracy theories, trolling, rampant intersectionality, and the viral production of post-truth, Huxtable elaborates a digital info-shop aesthetic to map the productive chaos of contemporary identity politics in this work.
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