Queer Olympics in Sochi
QUEER OLYMPICS on Saturday 15 February 2014.
Even the supporters of Queeramnesty support this action.
That these colorful counter-event to the Winter Games in Sochi have a serious background,
makes Ben Reichel of Queeramnesty Hamburg clear:
"A few months ago , Russia has adopted a vaguely worded law for the entire Russian Federation,
the discrimination of LGBTI people and a number of organizations ,
campaigning for LGBTI rights in Russia , institutionalized.
The law restricts the rights to freedom of speech and assembly, the LGBTI persons and has nationwide triggered a wave of violence against LGBTI.
Human rights have a total hard in Russia.
The state does not trust its citizens deeply.
Since the beginning of the third term of President Putin, the room for maneuver of civil society are growing ever closer.
Demonstrations are banned or broken up violently,
with new laws, the freedom of expression is curtailed and restricted the all important engagement of non-governmental organizations.
That including many LGBTI organizations,
it Queeramnesty Hamburg was able to make in 2013 in St. Petersburg for yourself."
Queeramnesty will be on February 15 with local information and report of these experiences in St. Petersburg.
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