Frankfurt 20th CSD pride
Germany’s financial capital is home to one of its liveliest gay pride parades – with lots of floats and a main stage with 3-days of entertainment .
The costumes in the parade are pretty outrageous and very inventive.
Located in the city’s main square many gaybars open their doors for their visitors,
the town’s gay bars come to life , hosting all sorts of parties for all tastes.
The theme of the 20th pride (CSD) in Frankfurt is 'Cornerstone, Cornerstone, you must still be hidden?' (Eckstein , Eckstein , musst du noch versteckt sein?)
CSD Frankfurt, one of the five largest CSD Prides in Germany and yet has retained its family atmosphere.
Some tens of thousands of lesbians, gays, bis, transsexuals and straight people will celebrate the three days on the Konstablerwache, on the Saturday lunchtime demonstration Parade
That the CSD has become too commercial and too apolitical, Joachim Letschert, spokesman for the CSD Committee has declined it.
In the mega-spectacle CSD , it goes to party and lots of action.
For three days the pubs dominate the scene at Gay Frankfurt.
The message is heard.
other News of Frankfurt

Opening Rebelicious in Frankfurt
For the launch of its new monthly party Nonna Club in Frankfurt, had the organizers lot to offer.
The New Party Concept Frankfurt, start 25.09.2010.

New gaybar in Frankfurt
In the Alten Gasse 26 in Frankfurt (aM) is the small bar open obliquely compared the CK.
Before the 2night club, tnan the afterparty club Studio26, now new is the Halo with a nice café bar and lounge.