Brighton Pride 2014
Pride Brighton & Hove is proud to stand beside the LGBT global community as we campaign for the 'Freedom To Live'.
Up to 160,000 people are thought to have attended Brighton and Hove's Pride festivities which began with a parade through the city centre and ended with a party in Preston Park. The legendary Martha Wash performing on the Brighton Pride Main Stage at Saturday . The gay pride event went off without a hitch although 28 arrests were made , for offences relating to possession of drugs, theft, actual bodily harm and public disorder. Tens of thousands of people enjoy the day at the park at the Pride Village Party in Kemp Town.
This year's theme was The World's A Disco to celebrate the dance, colour and music of the world.
On the parade float ,campaigning under the theme 'Freedom To Live', the parade included 78 placards representing those countries where homosexual acts are illegal. A celebration of diversity and homosexual rights.