Christmas Avenue Christmas market in Berlin
On Nollendorfplatz directly at the Metropol Theater is from 15.11. open until 23.12.2019 in new beautiful Christmas market. For the first time, the LGBTIQ * Winter Days and an LGBTIQ * Christmas Market are taking place there in Berlin - the "Christmas Avenue" - "the LGBTIQ * Winter Days" was opened on 15.11.2019.
Raised in Cologne, the "Christmas Avenue" is finally moving to Berlin after many successful years The patronage is taken over by the reg. Mayor a.D. Klaus Wowereit.
The LGBTIQ * Winter Days or Christmas Avenue want to provide a forum for the entire community.
A colorful lighting concept from lighting designer Andreas Boehlke, Berlin creates a unique atmosphere directly opposite the re-opened Metropol Theater.
The daily stage program will be a highlight. Many actors from the Berlin scene will present themselves and show concepts such as a drag bingo and the "Face of Christmas Avenue" game show provide unique entertainment. From hits to rock, classical to musical, everything is guaranteed for first-class entertainment.
They have a special look at our selected and first-class Gastro range. Quality is important. Be surprised by the culinary highlights that the market has to offer in addition to a high-quality selection of drinks. Their Winzerglühwein, produced exclusively for Christmas Avenue in the Moselle region, has already received top prizes in previous years.
Moreover, they only serve branded products at fair prices. The daily advent calendar is supported by the hotels of the "Pink pillow Berlin Collection". Every day all visitors have the chance to win great prizes when they are opening the doors.
As an enrichment for the Berlin LGBTIQ * scene, the "Christmas Avenue" is not only an additional attraction in the capital, but it also makes a special social contribution to various non-profit organizations through fundraisers.
In addition, "Christmas Avenue" invites celebrities from Berlin once a week for mulled wine taps for charity.
Show stage programm : (mostly presented in German Language)
15.11.19 "Eröffnung der LGBTIQ* Winterdays" mit 2THEUNIVERSE -- Moderiert von Marie Mondieu & Addi Kaey
16.11.19 Der CSD Zagreb zu Gast -- Moderiert von Marie Mondieu & Addi Kaey
17.11.19 Geschlossen - Volkstrauertag
18.11.19 CSD Berlin Tag
19.11.19 Drag Bingo Margot Schlönzke
20.11.19 Kevin Brain Smith – Schlager
22.11.19 DJ Alessandro Caruso, Wien
23.11.19 Wilhelmine, Moderiert von Marie Mondieu & Addi Kaey
24.11.19 CLOSED - Totensonntag
25.11.19 "Eröffnung der Christmas Avenue" - Rosa Cavaliere -- Moderiert von Marie Mondieu & Addi Kaey 26.11.19 Drag Bingo Margot Schlönzke
27.11.19 Face of Christmas Avenue – Show mit Gloria Glamour & Jurassica Parka
28.11.19 Die Gloria Glamour Show
29.11.19 Die Kusinen
30.11.19 Ades Zabel & Biggy van Blond ab 18.00 Uhr
01.12.19 Weltaidstag mit Diana Schneider & Friends -- On Behalf of Rosie, Moderation: Marie Mondieu
02.12.19 Weihnachtsshow mit den Incognito-Sisters
03.12.19 Drag Bingo Margot Schlönzke
04.12.19 Face of Christmas Avenue -- – Show mit Gloria Glamour & Jurassica Parka
05.12.19 Kate Louisa & Band
06.12.19 Die Rauschgoldnacht -- 07.12.19 LGBT Polizei, Sebastian Stipp, 15:00 Uhr Spreeschepperer - Guggemusik aus Berlin, 19:30 Uhr
08.12.19 Peter Pach - Sebastian Raetzel - Schlager
09.12.19 Miss Chantal Show
10.12.19 Drag Bingo mit Margot Schlönzke
11.12.19 Face of Christmas Avenue -- – Show mit Gloria Glamour & Jurassica Parka
12.12.19 Gloria Viagra, Destiny Drescher & Friends
13.12.19 Robin Jäger & Band
14.12.19 Bob Schneider & Volker Sondershausen -- Jutta – leider geil! Musikcomedy One-Man-Schlager-Show von Désirée Nick
15.12.19 Joy, Rhythm & Love
16.12.19 Merely Minds
17.12.19 Drag Bingo mit Margot Schlönzke
18.12.19 Face of Christmas Avenue Finale
19.12.19 DUOTONE
20.12.19 KEIINO – der Publikumsliebling des ESC 2019 -- - Abschluss der Spirit of Christmas EuropaTour
21.12.19 Schwitzende Fische
22.12.19 Marlon Howe
23.12.19 Das große Finale 'Best of Christmas Avenue' - mit vielen Freunden der Christmas Avenue Berlin
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